Whenever people get divorced, it is an emotional and stressful period in their lives. It will likely be one of the lowest points of their lives emotionally. A long and heated court battle over property division can make matters even worse. Although there are exceptions, under New York law each spouse is typically entitled to [read more...]

Syracuse Divorce Lawyer assisting Doctors, Nurses and Hospital Staff

As an experienced Syracuse divorce lawyer helping people in various fields and backgrounds, I frequently assist people with careers as a doctor, medical assistant, nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant and physician on their matrimonial matters, divorce, custody, child support and spousal maintenance issues. So, I understand and can easily accommodate erratic, busy schedules by having [read more...]

Spousal Support is defined as payments to the spouse for financial rehabilitation. The terms spousal maintenance, alimony and spousal support and are all the same thing in New York. During a divorce proceeding, temporary spousal maintenance can be directed by the court. Temporary maintenance is only for a temporary time period prior to the divorce [read more...]

The Court will take your gross income and subtract Medicare and Social Security taxes. These are commonly known as “FICA” taxes. The Court does not subtract Federal or New York State income tax. Depending on the number of your children, the Court will follow these guidelines in determining your child support obligation. Please click on [read more...]

An Annulment is matrimonial action to declare a marriage null and void. There are 2 categories of annulments: 1) The marriage is void at the time it occurs: a) For example: a father-daughter, mother-son or uncle-niece marriage. b) Someone already married getting married again. 2) The marriage is voidable due to specific reasons: Some Examples: [read more...]

This paperwork is also referred to as a summons, support violation or a child support violation. Depending on the court date, you may only have a limited amount of time to prepare a response and/or find a Syracuse Family Law Lawyer to protect your interests and to possibly avoid jail time. The 1st thing you [read more...]

Parent’s Rights Attorney In many divorce and family law matters involving children, there are numerous issues that can arise. These can include one parent denying visitation, denying contact, or denying overnights. Making matters worse, oftentimes, there are no legitimate legal reasons for doing so. We have years of experience handling these situations. We can help [read more...]

Every divorce is different but there are some things that tend to be common. There may be extra conflict and stress in divorces with children. Try to keep the stress as low as possible for your children and for yourself. There may be no quick fixes or easy answers along the way and depending on [read more...]

The fee for a divorce varies and is based on the amount of legal time spent. Also, there are required filing fees with the court. The Underwood Law Firm is realistic that sometimes it can be difficult to come up with extra money to get divorced. Therefore, we proudly offer payment plans** and online credit [read more...]

Your divorce will be considered uncontested if both you and your spouse want to get a divorce and agree about what will happen with your children, your finances and your property after the divorce. If your divorce is uncontested, and you and your spouse have reached an agreement on all financial and parenting issues, make [read more...]

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